Tag Archives: Tapestry

Run Selenium in Tapestry Maven Project

If you want to know how to run Selenium in a Maven webapp project, you can refer to the following post.
Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build

If you are a Tapestry user, the pom.xml in the above article may not work as the webapp cannot be started in the Embedded Jetty (404 Not Found). I am not sure the reason behind but i find a work around to solve the problem. The tricky thing is in the Embedded Jetty configuration in the cargo2-maven-plugin.
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Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build

In this article, i will show you how to integrate the Selenium tests into a Maven webapp project using the selenium-maven-plugin and cargo-maven2-plugin.

In this example, i used JUnit as the testing framework. There is no problem if you use TestNG to replace JUnit. This example is a simple Java webapp Maven project which only shows a simple html page (index.jsp). During the build, a Selenium Server is started with the webapp deployed in the Embedded Jetty. It then runs an Unit Test (Selenium Test) during the Maven integration-test life cycle. Here comes to the code.
Continue reading Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build

Tapestry – Create a Tapestry Project in Maven

After creating all the entity beans in the backend project. it’s time to move on to the frontend stuff. First, we need to decide what Java frontend framework is used in our project. so i take the chance to learn Tapestry.

With Maven, we can make use of the Archetype as a project template to start our first Tapestry project. This post shows u how to make start your first Tapestry project in Eclipse with m2eclipse installed.
Continue reading Tapestry – Create a Tapestry Project in Maven