Tag Archives: cargo-maven2-plugin

Run Selenium in Tapestry Maven Project

If you want to know how to run Selenium in a Maven webapp project, you can refer to the following post.
Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build

If you are a Tapestry user, the pom.xml in the above article may not work as the webapp cannot be started in the Embedded Jetty (404 Not Found). I am not sure the reason behind but i find a work around to solve the problem. The tricky thing is in the Embedded Jetty configuration in the cargo2-maven-plugin.
Continue reading Run Selenium in Tapestry Maven Project

Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build

In this article, i will show you how to integrate the Selenium tests into a Maven webapp project using the selenium-maven-plugin and cargo-maven2-plugin.

In this example, i used JUnit as the testing framework. There is no problem if you use TestNG to replace JUnit. This example is a simple Java webapp Maven project which only shows a simple html page (index.jsp). During the build, a Selenium Server is started with the webapp deployed in the Embedded Jetty. It then runs an Unit Test (Selenium Test) during the Maven integration-test life cycle. Here comes to the code.
Continue reading Selenium – Integrate the Selenium Tests into Maven Build