Maven H2O

Finally i could find some time to release this Maven H2O which i did when i was working in CECID in 2009-2010. It is under GNU General Public License (GPL v2). I fixed some dependencies problem and i found that the Maven repository has changed since i left CECID. It is now ready in GitHub.

Thanks Ronnie who gave me the chance to learn Maven and apply it on the H2O project. Also give thanks to other teammates – Philip, Steve, Patrick, Franz, Jumbo. I missed the time working with you guys in the CECID H2O team.


Done =)

6 thoughts on “Maven H2O”

  1. Good work mate! I want to set this up also but still have no time. I want to update with something new I’ve learnt 🙂


      1. I should take the chance to learn Git also. Need to use in my job. But I keep delaying my development task 🙂

        My GitHub account: philwong

        I’ll diff GitHub version with my own. Make sure it’s in unique starting point 😉


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