Tag Archives: Symfony

Drupal 8 – Create a Hello World custom module in Symfony framework

It’s time to get start with Drupal 8! The biggest change in this major update is that Drupal 8 is now with the Symfony PHP framework. So Drupal developer could work with those components such as ClassLoader, Routing and DependencyInjection which are provided by the Symfony framework.

Ok! Stop talking and start coding~ =D

The following example is a simplified version from the screencast recorded by Joe Shindelar @ Drupalize.Me.
Continue reading Drupal 8 – Create a Hello World custom module in Symfony framework

New Relic – Enable Drupal module monitoring

New Relic supports the following list of PHP frameworks.

  • Drupal 6 and 7
  • WordPress
  • CakePHP 1.2, 1.3 and 2.*
  • CodeIgniter 2
  • QDrupal
  • Joomla 1.5 and 1.6
  • Symfony 1
  • Yii
  • Zend Framework 1
  • Magento 1.5 and 1.6
  • MediaWiki
  • Kohana

If you are monitoring a Drupal website, you will find the module tab on the Application menu.

Continue reading New Relic – Enable Drupal module monitoring