Tag Archives: Localization

Drupal – Site Name Translation

The Drupal site name could be set @ Administer –> Site configuration –> Site information.

In a previous post, you can find out how to setup a multilingual Drupal web site using the i18n module.
Drupal – Apply Language Pack Continue reading Drupal – Site Name Translation

Drupal – Ubercart Localization

Localization with Ubercart is somehow a bit difficult. Assume we have 2 languages, English and Traditional Chinese, installed. For a particular product, there will be one node representing the English one and the other node representing the Traditional Chinese one. If you add the English node into the cart, it will not be translated in the cart and checkout page. In other words, they are treated as 2 different products.

The following example can localize the Product content type even in the cart and checkout page. and it is based on the work by Stewart Adam. Please refer to for the post – Translating or internationalizing an Ubercart store: Common problems & solutions more information.

1. Create a custom module and add the following hook implementation in the .module file. Continue reading Drupal – Ubercart Localization

Drupal – Synchronize Translation

We can translate contents/nodes by activating the Content Translation.
Drupal – Content Translation

The translated node itself has not relation with the original node except their node ids are mapped. So I can have a price $10 in the English item but $1000 in the Traditional Chinese item. It will be quite difficult to manage when the amount of content is getting more and more. Therefore, i18n provides another feature called Synchronize Translations. Whenever a node is updated, the synchronized fields of all other corresponding nodes are also updated. Continue reading Drupal – Synchronize Translation

iPhone – Localization

Localization is a must in mobile application development. The article will shows you how to localize your iPhone Application in just a few steps.

1. Whenever you need a localized string in your application, use the NSLocalizedString(NSString *key, NSString *comment).

[self.label1 setText:NSLocalizedString(@"label1.text", @"Label1 in MyViewController.m")];
[self.label2 setText:NSLocalizedString(@"label2.text", @"Label2 in MyViewController.m")];
[self.label3 setText:NSLocalizedString(@"label3.text", @"Label3 in MyViewController.m")];

  Continue reading iPhone – Localization