Joomla – Installation

i am searching for some existing web application framework for next NovelGrid project. What i want is a module based CMS with customized module for function development purpose. Steve suggests Joomla so i try to install it in the development server.

Environment: LAMP
L: Ubuntu
A: Apache 2.2.8
M: MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1
P: 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6

1. Download the full package .tar.gz at the Joomla Download Page

2. Create a folder joomla put the .tar.gz into it

3. Extract the .tar.gz

  • tar zxf Joomla_1.5.15-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz

4. Change the owner of the joomla folder and the files inside to www-data:www-data

  • chown -R www-data:www-data joomla

5. Put the joomla folder to Apache Document Root or create an symbolic link there by the following command

  • ln -s /usr/share/joomla-1.5.15 /var/www/joomla

6. Open the Joomla url on browser and it should shows the installation page


7. Select the installation language and check whether u have passed all the requirements in the Pre-installation Check page

8. Accept the license agreement and fill in the database detail


9. You can skip the FTP Configuration

10. Enter the site name and the admin password (Click the Install Sample Data button if u want)


11. Remove the ~/joomla/installation folder after the installation

12. Open http://<host>/joomla in browser


Done =)

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