Dialog – Create a Simple Menu for Inexperienced Linux Users

Recently, i have a new task which is adding a user account on a Linux box with UI login shell. My project leader suggests a few tools for me to study and finally i pick the the one called pdmenu.

pdmenu is based on dialog command in Linux. So before talking about pdmenu, i would like to show you how to use dialog.

Bash display dialog boxes

you can install dialog to create simple message box in command console. For Ubuntu user, just apt-get dialog.

1. Create a Hello World message box

dialog --title "Hello" --msgbox 'Hello world!' 6 20
  • title – Title of the message box
  • msgbox – The text in the message box
  • 6 20 – The size of the message box

2. Create a Yes/No message box

dialog --title "Message"  --yesno "Are you OK?" 6 25

The box return 0 if yes is chosen and 1 if no.

3. Create a simple menu

 dialog --menu "Menu" 10 30 3 1 red 2 green 3 blue 2>temp

Similar to yes/no box, it return 0 if OK and 1 if Cancel. And the selection (1, 2, 3) will be printed in stdout which is direct to a file named as “temp”.

4. Example
The following is a shell script example which help u to list file in /home, /root or /tmp directory.

dialog --menu "List file of a directory" 10 30 3 1 /home 2 /root 3 /tmp 2>temp

# OK is pressed
if [ "$?" = "0" ]
        _return=$(cat temp)

        # /home is selected
        if [ "$_return" = "1" ]
                dialog --title "List file of directory /home" --msgbox "$(ls /home -l)" 100 100

         # /root is selected
        if [ "$_return" = "2" ]
                dialog --title "List file of directory /root" --msgbox "$(ls /root -l)" 100 100

         # /tmp is selected
        if [ "$_return" = "3" ]
                dialog --title "List file of directory /tmp" --msgbox "$(ls /tmp -l)" 100 100

# Cancel is pressed
        echo "Cancel is pressed"

# remove the temp file
rm -f temp

There are other examples which can be found at Dialog: An Introductory Tutorial

Done and I will talk about pdmenu later =).

5 thoughts on “Dialog – Create a Simple Menu for Inexperienced Linux Users”

  1. Hi there , i have a dunnos

    Well its need it

    dialog --menu "Some Title" Size1 Size2 (I dont understand the follow ->) 3 1 /home 2 /root 3 /tmp 2>temp (send to temp file?)
    # OK is pressed
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]

    Read Values from ???

    Okey i just trying to understand

    well i wanna make a Dialog GUI Selector , and when i choise some option , this in the process show a gauge / progress bar .

    I put here the script i try to do ->

    Title="Wine Manual Installer"
    Question="Please Choise a Version : "
    Versions=( ${Versions[@]/#/"FALSE "} )
    while true; do
    	Opcion="$( $DIALOG --clear --title "$Title" \
    	--menu "Wine:" 20 51 4 \
    	"$Versions" "$Versions" \ ) "
          if   [ "$Opcion" = "1.6.2" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 01" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.0" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 02" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.1" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 03" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.2" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 04" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.3" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 05" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.4" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 06" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.5" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 07" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.6" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 08" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.7" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 09" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.8" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 10" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.9" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 11" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.10" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 12" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.11" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 13" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.12" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 14" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.13" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 15" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.14" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 16" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.15" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 17" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.16" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 18" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.17" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 19" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "1.7.18" ]; then
               dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Option 20" 0 0
          elif [ "$Opcion" = "Salir" ]; then
             exit 1
                           dialog --msgbox "You has been choise $Option, Invalid Option"


    1. dialog --menu "Some Title" Size1 Size2 3(if u have 3 choices, set it to 3) 1 /home 2 /root 3 /tmp 2>temp (send to temp file? yes)

      The dialog box will have 2 buttons. If the user select OK, 0 is returned.


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