Maven – Dependency on jar/war package

In Maven, adding dependency is just a piece of cake. Take a look on the following pom.xml.

	<!-- Project Details -->
		<!-- project-apple depends on project-banana -->

Setting the above dependency is just the same as importing the project-banana.jar in project-apple.

Now i have another Maven web application project called project-orange with packaging type equals to war. Adding the above dependency linkage does not work at all since Java does not see .war file as a classpath. To solve the problem, there is two approaches.

1. Create a Maven module which contains the classes of project-orange with jar packaging. Now you can treat the new Maven module as normal dependency.

2. Configure the maven-war-plugin such that it will build the .jar file when building the .war file. Add the following code under the <project> node of your war project. The following is an example.


After running mvn install, you can find the following archive files in the target folder

  • project-orange.war
  • project-orange-classes.jar

Now you can edit the pom.xml of project-apple for adding the new dependency.

	<!-- Project Details -->
		<!-- project-apple depends on project-banana -->
		<!-- project-apple depends on project-orange -->
			<!-- To map the project-orange-classes.jar -->

Done =)


Update @ 2011-06-23: update the maven-war-plugin xml. Thanks Sergei Vasilyev. =D

27 thoughts on “Maven – Dependency on jar/war package”

  1. Thank you for the pointer. Probably things have changed since v. 2.1-beta-1 of plugin, but Maven kept reporting to me from my dependent project that classes were not found unless I added the “classesClassifier” element to the referenced war project with the “classes” value (in the “configuration” section next to “attachClasses”)



  2. Thanks for the post but i have another problem. I jave resources project-orange.war that i need to run (property file etc.) Currently if I start a class from project-apple, it can not find the resources of orange. What sholud i di?


  3. Thanks very much for this.

    I was struggling with the appfuse warpath plugin for a while, but this approach with the war plugin is perfect and works with m2e as well.


    1. Thanks….I followed the second approach..I manage to resolve this issue for my proj .. but after adding the dependency it compiles fine and failed at runtime with classDefNotFoundException ? Is there anything else I need to do ?


      1. I guess your runtime environment does not include the compiled jar file. check the error log and try to figure out which jar is missing.


      1. i have created .jar file and .war file. to the main project the created .jar is added to the WEB-INF/lib folder. But how can i use the jsps and resource file (struts.xml,applicationcontex.xml)
        my resource files are in the folder WEB-INF/lib/xxxx.jar


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